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Mobile Data Consultancy with Hands-on Experience in Mobile Wholesale & Private Networks

We are an international management consulting practice offering strategic advisory, business development, market research and training services to the mobile data industry.

Latest News

Besen Group CEO Alex Besen to Speak at IoT Solutions World Congress 2024

The Besen Group, an international mobile data industry management consulting practice headquartered in the Washington DC area, with representatives in Paris and Tokyo, announced its CEO, Alex Besen will moderate the session titled "5G Impacts on Technology" on Wednesday May 22nd from 15:45 - 16:15 CET at IoT Solutions World Congress 2024.

Besen Group Releases Private 5G Network TCO Tool for Hospitals

The Besen Group, an international mobile data industry management consulting practice headquartered in the Washington DC area, with representatives in Paris and Tokyo, released today Private 5G Network TCO Tool for Hospitals.

Besen Group Releases Private 5G Network TCO Tool for Warehouses

The Besen Group, an international mobile data industry management consulting practice headquartered in the Washington DC area, with representatives in Paris and Tokyo, released today Private 5G Network TCO Tool for Warehouses.

What We Do

Strategic Advisory

Business portfolios that help our clients achieve enhanced business performance.
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Market Research

Insights around private networks market size and forecast, case studies, business case and TCO tools for private networks.
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Custom seminars to stay competitive and informed about the latest mobile data trends.
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Our Clients Include


"During my time at Cradlepoint, I was heavily involved in private LTE and represented Cradlepoint within the CBRS Alliance. I found Alex to be great resource regarding private LTE business models and use cases. His presentations and written work are excellent and our conversations were very engaging and useful. I am happy to recommend Alex to anyone in the industry who is looking for knowledgeable expertise to help them with education, strategy and/or execution in the private wireless space."

Ken Hosac

Former VP of Business Development
"At Altran a global services company, I worked with Alex to help define use cases and implementation strategies around wireless private networks for both 4G and 5G systems. Alex has an extremely in depth understanding of the multi-faceted challenge of deploying private networks. Alex's portfolio of experiences and use cases in private networks created successful engagements and a blueprint for engaging the industry in the area of private networks. He was instrumental in helping to develop the business case, the technical roadmaps, and the necessary partnerships to realize solutions for a multinational farm equipment supplier and the world leader in 5G mobile networks. I would strongly recommend Alex and his wide scope of services and capabilities for any project with private networks as a key ingredient for success and completion for 5G private networks and services."

Sidney Bryson

Former Director of Technology
"Alex did a great job presenting the revenue opportunities that Private LTE networks could bring to small carriers, property owners and anyone interested in the communications business of the future. His unique understanding of all the critical components to building an efficient effective business around the LTE technology provides a road map of unequaled insight. The Besen Group Private LTE session at Mobile Carriers Show 2019 was well attended and received great reviews from attendees. I hope that Alex will join us next year to provide an updated session briefing. Thanks, Alex! All the best."

Steven K. Berry

Former CEO/President
Competitive Carriers Association
Private Networks (both LTE & 5G) are expected to play a critical role in bringing new opportunities to improve the business and operational processes for every enterprise and industry. The ecosystem for enabling Private Networks via robust LTE/5G connectivity continues to advance, and seminars like this are crucial to increase awareness to realize the potential of such networks. Alex’s seminar at Mobile Carriers Show 2019 went into details on the various business models for deploying Private LTE utilizing the CBRS spectrum, this helps in understanding how the various players need to collaborate/partner to deliver an E2E solution. The business case tool overview gave a quantitative assessment of the ROI for CBRS deployment and the use cases presented by various speakers were very insightful. Overall, an excellent and informative seminar, I look forward to attending more of such sessions from Alex.

Sudhir Kunnath

Founder & CEO